Evidence for accountability: remote sensing to prevent the environment from harms
Can we use technologies to detect environmentally damaging activities and help hold governments accountable?
Smart District initiative in Tamil Nadu
Can IoT technology efficiently manage resources (water, air) and waste in real time?
Bioplastic future: using bioplastics to transform domestic plastic production
Can conventional plastic production facilities be retrofitted to produce bioplastics?
Integrating AI into the asset management of rural water supply schemes in Nepal
Can AI tools be used to improve the quality of data collected and stored within Nepal’s national management information system – NWASH - for asset management of WASH infrastructure and planning and delivery of WASH projects?
Using climate change scenarios to inform community-based adaptation and planning in Nepal
Can geospatial data on climate change scenarios adequately inform community planning on activities that aim to support the local environment?
Flying medicines over mountains in the Nepali health system
Can drones be effectively embedded into Nepal’s health system to deliver life-saving medication and vaccines to rural areas?
Early Warning Forest Fire Detection System
Can an AI-enabled fire detection system prevent wildfires through machine-learning and quickly notify authorities when a fire is detected?
Improving Land Records in Karnataka through Blockchain
Can blockchain technology improve the land records system and service delivery, while unlocking greater investments?
Data aggregator platform & distributed manufacturing technologies to distribute PPE in Bangladesh
Can a distributed manufacturing ecosystem that aggregates PPE demand from the field and fulfills it through hyper-localised manufacturing deliver PPE to frontline healthcare workers in a quick and efficient manner?
High Tech Solutions for supply chain and distribution
Can Artificial Intelligence strengthen the supply chain of the Public Distribution System in India to address food insecurity?
Frontier Infrastructure Management
Can drones improve infrastructure management and monitoring in rural India?
Blockchain Technology for the Humanitarian Supply Chain
Can distributed ledger technology help to improve the transparency of the humanitarian supply chain, allowing for more responsive management of the aid system?
3D Printing in Nepal
Could localised 3D Printing technologies be transformative in a post-disaster context?