Using climate change scenarios to inform community-based adaptation and planning in Nepal
Can geospatial data on climate change scenarios adequately inform community planning on activities that aim to support the local environment?
SECTOR: Climate & Environment
TIMELINE: September 2022 - Present
PIONEER: Sumit Dugar
PARTNER: Youth Innovation Lab (YIL)
The Challenge
Every year in Nepal, the Rajapur Municipality is impacted by floods and the Barabhise Municipality is impacted by landslides. Unfortunately, there is a discrepancy in the understanding of future climate change scenarios in these areas between scientists, practitioners, and communities. Climate models predict that there will be a rise in magnitude and frequency of extreme events, such as flash floods, heat waves, droughts and forest fires, yet there is a knowledge gap that inhibits local government’s ability to make informed decisions and assist communities in negating the impact of climate change.
The Idea
This pilot will use big data analytics to enhance Nepal’s National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority’s (NDRRMA) BiPAD risk tracking platform. The pilot will combine highly detailed climate models with geospatial data and existing data on risk, hazard, vulnerability, exposure, capacity in two locations in West and Central Nepal. The enhanced platform will assist local government and communities in making informed decisions on how to protect their communities against earthquake, landslide and flood hazards and negate the impact of climate change.
In the early morning of December, amidst the sunlit mid-hills of the Eastern Himalayas, chilling northerly wind gust through the Karnali River. Parbati Gurung unlocks the door to a flood monitoring station.