A governance-enhanced platform to support the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela


Can a reliable and transparent Govtech platform enhance support for locally-led humanitarian projects?

LOCATION: Venezuela
SECTOR: Humanitarian Aid
TECH: Govtech
TIMELINE: December 2021 - March 2023
PARTNER: Fundación S4V


The Challenge

Venezuela is currently experiencing a humanitarian crisis where over 7 million people are in need. 5.6 million people have left Venezuela in recent years, making it the second largest migratory crisis after Syria. Venezuela is a difficult operating environment for NGOs, and many donor agencies are weary of investing due to the hostile political situation and lack of transparency of how aid is spent. The Venezuela humanitarian crisis receives disproportionately less financial support than it deserves, negatively impacting the lives of millions of Venezuelans in need.

The Idea

This pilot will create a secure, reliable and transparent platform where the Venezuelan diaspora can directly fund locally-led humanitarian projects within the country. Donors will be able to interact directly with the projects they are supporting through a user profile, and request evidence of the impact their donations are having. If successful, the pilot will create a new stream of aid to reach local humanitarian projects, and address the current funding gap. 

Read the pilot report below:


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Frontier Tech Hub

The Frontier Technologies Hub works with UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) staff and global partners to understand the potential for innovative tech in the development context, and then test and scale their ideas.


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