Submissions Open – Technical Advice on Land Tenure Rights for Smallholder Farmers in Colombia
The Frontier Tech Hub is seeking technical support in land rights for smallholder farmers in Colombia. The consultant will use their deep expertise to help analyse challenges, explore root causes, and assess market and landscape factors affecting land tenure.
Deadline for response: Friday, 21st February, 2025 at 9 AM GMT
Image credit: iStock
In Colombia, the FT Hub has conducted desk research and consulted with key stakeholders to identify several key challenges related to land tenure for smallholder farmers and other marginalised groups in Colombia. FT Hub and key ecosystem actors recognise that there are potential opportunities for frontier technologies to contribute to addressing these challenges more rapidly or rigorously than with current approaches.
Currently, the potential challenge areas that have been identified relating to land tenure are wide-ranging. It is necessary to narrow down / prioritise these challenges and home in on specific problem statements, their root causes and potential use case(s) where we believe tech can make a difference. The challenges which are currently in scope are:
Cadastral surveying is complex, costly and time consuming, inhibiting up-to-date land mapping across the country.
Coordination, validation and interoperability of land data between agencies is fragmented, leading to silos and gaps in data.
We are seeking technical advice on land tenure rights for smallholder farmers in Colombia for the following scope of work.
For more details please see the linked ToR
To apply for this opportunity, please submit a proposal by Friday, 21st February, 2025 at 9 AM GMT, to with “Submission - Colombia Land Rights Tech & Innovation Expert” in the subject line, that includes:
A high-level technical proposal including:
A summary of the relevant skills and experience of the consultant(s)
The proposed approach to the work
Key assumptions underpinning the proposed approach
An indicative project plan specifying proposed deliverables and timelines
CV(s) of consultant(s) demonstrating relevant experience (max. 2-pages per CV)
A financial proposal including:
Day rates of consultant(s)
Number of days to deliver the scope of work
Any anticipated expenses.
A signed copy of the Declaration of Non-Canvassing and Non-Collusive Tendering (see Appendix 1).
Please contact for further enquiries regarding this Terms of Reference or for further information on the Frontier Tech Hub.
Deadline for enquiries is February 19th 2025 at 09:00 UK time
Date published: 7th February 2025