Submissions Closed – Research into AI for enhancing Learning and Development support within FCDO

The Frontier Tech Hub is seeking a research partner to conduct a study into the potential for AI technology to enhance the Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office’s (FCDO) delivery of professional development support.

Deadline for applications: 10th February at 08:00 am UK time 

Image created using OpenAI’s DALL-E

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has the potential to significantly enhance the way Learning and Development (L&D) is delivered across organisations. Automated content generation, adaptive, personalised learning, and streamlined performance analytics are just some of the ways AI has the potential to reshape L&D. By incorporating AI tools into traditional mechanisms of providing professional development support, we can improve service delivery for users, making L&D more personalised, efficient and scalable. 

The UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), in partnership with the Frontier Tech Hub (FT Hub) is keen to explore the potential of AI solutions as they relate to the FCDO’s own L&D hub, the International Academy (IA). The IA, as the central professional development and resource library within the FCDO, has sometimes faced difficulty providing unique support to the FCDO’s 17,500-strong, globally based workforce. To remedy this, IA colleagues have expressed a desire to incorporate AI solutions into the IA’s workflow. 

As a result, the FT Hub is seeking a research partner to undertake an initial phase of research to better understand the opportunities that AI solutions could bring to the IA. This initial phase of research is to cover three main areas: the current needs of users and opportunities to improve service delivery; a design proposal to explore the functionality of a potential AI tool; and an exploration of the current ecosystem of the FCDO’s L&D tools to understand where a potential AI solution would provide the most value. 

The partner will be expected to conduct surveys and interviews with current IA and FCDO staff, as well as analyse IA data and processes/tools. The final output from this initial phase will be a report with the three focus areas addressed, which will then inform the creation and implementation of an AI tool as part of a fully-fledged FT Hub pilot. For a more detailed breakdown on what is included in the Terms of Reference, please see the link below.  

For more details please see the linked ToR

To apply for this opportunity, please submit a proposal by the 10th February 08:00am UK time to (with” FT Hub - AI Learning and Development Study” in the subject line). 

Please submit a written proposal including:  

  • A description of how you would approach the scope of work in no more than 6 pages 

  • Profiles/CVs for each team member 

  • A budget breakdown proposal including fee rates for individuals involved across the work  

Please contact for further enquiries regarding this Terms of Reference or for further information on the Frontier Tech Hub. Deadline for enquiries is the 3 February 2025 @ 08:00 am UK time. 

Frontier Tech Hub

The Frontier Tech Hub works with UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) staff and global partners to understand the potential for innovative tech in the development context, and then test and scale their ideas.

Submissions Open – Research into innovation and tech funding in climate adaptation and resilience


Creating an investment worthy story for your innovation