Watch our films

We capture the stories of failure, learning and impact across the world, from those closest to the work. Listen to the voices of those testing ideas on the ground, the communities they’re working with locally and the humans with most to gain from each potential solution.

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  • Embracing Data, Locally | A Frontier Tech Hub film (full version)
    • 18/10/2021

    Embracing Data, Locally | A Frontier Tech Hub film (full version)

    Every year in Nepal, the Rajapur Municipality is impacted by floods. There is data available to help plan against these shocks, but it is not currently utilised on a local level.

    This short film tells the story of the humans in Rajapur and Katmandu working to engage local communities to prepare against the impacts of climate shocks, using data pulled from geospatial data from satellites and data from sensors on the ground.

    Find the data in real time here:

  • Smarter Water | A Frontier Tech Hub film (full version)
    • 18/10/2021

    Smarter Water | A Frontier Tech Hub film (full version)

    We live in a world where more people in Africa have access to mobile phones than have access to clean drinking water. Water infrastructure across Africa can be fragmented and unreliable. 10 years ago it was estimated that one in three hand pumps in rural areas were broken globally, and one reason for this is a lack of maintenance and repair.

    In 2016 the Frontier Tech Hub worked with eWATER Services to pilot the use of IoT sensors within solar-powered water systems in rural Tanzania. Through monitoring patterns in water flow and volume, engineers were able to identify issues and breakages in the WASH system and respond. Water tap access increased from 66% to 99%, and in one village, the average time spent collecting water per household was reduced from three hours a day to just 10 minutes, with children able to attend school as a result.

    This short film tells the story of the humans in Singida and Endanachan whose lives have been drastically improved by 24/7 access to safe water.

    Many thanks to the contributors to this film, including our friends at eWater Services and the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office.