Using LLMs as a tool for International Development professionals
Can AI systems that retrieve and synthesise data support international development practitioners with common evidence-based tasks?
Turning drylands into global carbon sinks
Can technology accurately measure the carbon storage impact of regeneration efforts in the Sahel and link to global carbon markets?
Smart District initiative in Tamil Nadu
Can IoT technology efficiently manage resources (water, air) and waste in real time?
Smart Mobility: Using Assistive tech and digital mapping to promote urban accessibility
Can alternative transportation solutions improve accessibility in urban Kenya?
From rice husk to silicon: exploring new supply chains for semi-conductors
Can producing high-purity silica from agricultural waste develop a new supply chain and create jobs?
Behaviour change chatbot to encourage vaccine uptake
Can a chatbot improve the effectiveness and efficiency of vaccine uptake?
Bioplastic future: using bioplastics to transform domestic plastic production
Can conventional plastic production facilities be retrofitted to produce bioplastics?
Optimising vaccines for epidemics through gene editing in Vero cells
How can the manufacturing of viral vector-based vaccines be optimised for production in Africa?
Integrating Earth Observation and ground data to improve cocoa production
Can earth observations from satellites coupled with ground big data provide insights for due diligence requirements in a sustainable cocoa production market?
Project Sapling - drone-based remote sensing for reforestation investment
Can drone-based remote sensing successfully track reforestation programs in Sierra Leone and therefore increase climate investments?
Improved education through AR
Can augmented reality improve educational outcomes for school children in Mexico?
Safeguarding land-based climate investments in Ghana with blockchain
Can blockchain technology increase land-based climate investments in Ghana?
Digital Mapping to Protect Freedom of Religion or Belief
Can AI and machine learning generate a heat map of places where Freedom or Religion of Belief is under threat?
Beyond relief - using digital remittances technology for informal enterprises
Can digital remittance technology support informal businesses in Southern Africa?
VR/AR in Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Accountability
Can virtual and augmented reality support survivors of conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) and contribute to more effective CRSV court cases?