Portable Benefits and Protection Platform
Can a portable benefits platform that provides protections to ‘gig workers’ in Kenya’s economy protect these workers from economic setbacks?
SECTOR: Finance
TECH: Collaborative Economy
TIMELINE: May 2020 - January 2021
PIONEERS: Rasmos Ndubi, Sheena Raikundalia
The Challenge
In Kenya, 83.6% of the working population works in the informal sector–employing over 14.9 million workers. Employment based on freelancing and on-demand hiring, also known as ‘gig work’, leaves workers at a disadvantage due to the lack of a steady salary, paid sick leave, pension plans and other employer-based benefits. Financial insecurity is common among gig workers and can restrict their ability to secure a loan or rent properties. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic gig workers in Kenya have seen their work drop by up to 90%, leaving them even more vulnerable to economic setbacks.
The Idea
This pilot is implementing a portable benefits platform that will give gig workers, small and micro enterprises employees and informal labour workers a way to access portable benefits and protections that are employer-independent. This platform utilises collaborative economy tools which can be replicated across regional economies, markets and various demographic segments–and this would provide inclusion and benefits to these excluded groups, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
All photos on this page were taken by the pilot’s implementing partner, Qhala.
This pilot is now closed and key learnings are below.
Read more
Learn more about the pilot’s partner, Qhala — “Setting up a portable benefits and protections platform for Kenyan independent workers”
Read the findings of the initial desk review and key informant interviews — “Perks.gg: Flexible, Affordable, Portable Social Safety Nets for Gig Workers”
Read about the pilot’s first sprint — “Exploring what assets mean to Independent Contractors”
Explore the findings of the prototype testing in the third sprint — Our learnings on prototype testing and exploring how we can leverage the community to build trust
Read key reflections from the pilot — “Simulating how we might provide assets and other products to independent workers”