Frontier Tech Hub Newsletter #7
Welcome to the seventh issue of the Frontier Tech Hub’s regular newsletter, with a wide range of updates from across the Hub.
This month, we’re going to look at the year ahead and think about some of the things we hope to achieve in 2023 by hearing from four projects that are applying frontier technologies to some of the biggest challenges in development.
To help us do that, we’ll be hearing from some of Frontier Tech Hub’s coaches. Coaches are crucial members of our ecosystem and methodology, who work closely with our project teams worldwide, fostering a collaborative working culture that makes it possible for teams to bring their expertise and experience together in pursuit of shared goals. You’re about to hear from projects in Pakistan, Nepal, Nigeria, and St Helena, so let’s get going:
Can an AI-enabled fire detection system prevent wildfires through machine learning and quickly notify authorities when a fire is detected?
“There are incredibly high calibre partners collaborating on this pilot - Lahore University and WWF Pakistan. They bring real expertise in technology, research, and community engagement, which are coming together for field testing this year. We know that there’s a huge human factor that impacts traditional forest use, including the relationship between agro-forestry and starting fires. We also know that deploying technologies without engaging and enabling communities won’t work, so we’re working with local communities and incorporating their beliefs and needs to improve overall stewardship of the forest. This year, we are seeking follow-on funding to support their efforts to bridge the gap between traditional forest use and technology-based solutions.” (Johannes, Pilot Coach)
Can geospatial data on climate change scenarios adequately inform community-level planning on activities to mitigate risks and hazards?
"Our climate change adaptation pilot, in collaboration with Youth Innovation Lab, is making great progress in helping local governments make data-driven decisions in Nepal. Two rural municipalities have signed agreements with officials, opening pathways for the project to get underway in those areas. We already know that local communities are eager for this data and willing to act on it. By the end of the year, we hope to have several successful use cases where decisions have been made using the portal that otherwise would not have been possible. Beyond our core mission, we’re also experimenting with and exploring different ways of communicating and integrating data using behavioural innovation and storytelling." (Ben, Pilot Coach)
Can hydroponic fodder provide an eco-friendly alternative to cattle feed and reduce climate emissions and soil degradation?
"In Nigeria, climate change is making it increasingly difficult for farmers to grow cattle feed due to desertification. This is causing conflict between cattle farmers and landowners. Our hydroponic fodder system has been a great success in tests over the last year, producing significant increases in overall feed production and cow health. This year, we’re excited about the potential for follow-on funding to test a sustainable business model for growing fodder for cows, perhaps by working with dairy producers who can go on to sell the milk. Additionally, we are also considering the potential use of carbon credits as a result of the reduction in methane emissions from cows." (Nick, Pilot Coach)
Can low-cost, easy-to-deploy deep-sea cameras enable low-to-middle-income countries to explore the deep sea?
"We are using deep sea discovery cameras to record parts of the ocean floor that have never been seen before in British overseas territories that do not have the funds to conduct expensive surveys. The camera being used is based on technology developed by a research team based in the Azores, and even though this project is primarily testing in St Helena, we will actually be conducting some early tests in the UK in May. The reason for this includes needing a body of water that is deep enough to stress-test the technology, so we’re using the (in)famous Loch Ness in Scotland as our test bed. We anticipate that many people will be excited to see the results of deep water camera deployment in the Loch." (David, Pilot Coach)
In other news…
📢 We will soon be announcing details for the next call for Frontier Technology projects. As you know, we support FCDO staff to apply cutting-edge technologies to the most complex problems in development, and in the coming weeks, you will hear more about how FCDO staff can apply to join the growing number of their colleagues who have pioneered impactful projects all over the world in recent years. Keep an eye out for further details about how to apply, and in the meantime why not jump into our project portfolio for some inspiration?
💡The FT Hub is planning a launch event for our evidence deep-dive into distributed manufacturing. We have a growing body of evidence from pilots that have attempted to develop and scale distributed manufacturing (if you want to learn more about what distributed manufacturing is all about click here). The research contextualises these pilots within a wider exploration of the sector and develops different frameworks to evaluate what’s needed to unlock its potential impact. For an invitation to our launch event on 16 March 2023, please sign up here.
📖 During the COVID-19 pandemic, we worked with local innovators to explore how localisation of production, distributed manufacturing, and circular economy approaches might help increase resilience to emergencies and improve the responsiveness of production systems to community needs. Read this blog which reflects upon the key lessons that we learnt from innovators addressing the demand for PPE, medical supplies, and other unavailable goods.
That’s all for this edition…
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See you next time!