CLOSED: Mis/dis-information CoLab

We’re looking for a partner to help us explore technology’s role in combating mis- and dis-information

Deadline for applications: Wednesday November 20th, 12.00pm GMT

The maximum available budget is £50,000 GBP


How might FCDO technology be used to serve and preserve democracy, free speech and citizen safety, and avoid the harms and risks posed by mis- and dis-information?

In partnership with the Frontier Tech Hub, the FCDO are exploring the future of mis- and dis-information. The Mis/disinformation CoLab is a short collaborative research project that will take a systemic approach to understanding the potential role of technology in tackling mis/dis information. Through this work we’ll define a better future for the role of technology in tackling mis/dis information, and scope a roadmap of potential interventions for FT Hub to move towards this vision. 

The Mis/disinformation CoLab will run from November 2024 - March 2025. 

We are looking for a partner well versed in the space of mis/disinformation to provide a landscape analysis of the topic as it applies to FCDO, run a series of workshops with the FCDO on the topic with the FT Hub, and support the creation of a roadmap of potential interventions. 

The full job description can be found by clicking this LINK. 

Please submit the following materials to (with “Mis/dis-information CoLab” in the subject line):  

  • A short covering letter outlining your/your organisations relevant experience and proposed approach to the scope of work (no more than 400 words) 

  • A timeline referencing the scope of work and team availability  

  • Project budget, including an indication of proposed daily fee rate in Pound Sterling (GBP) per team member 

  • Current CV/s tailored to meet the requirements of the position  

  • Two references per team member

Proposed Timeline 

  • Final application deadline 12:00pm GMT Wednesday 20th November 2024*

  • Kick off / work  commencing - w/c 25th November 

*Please note that the deadline for submissions was previously the 11th November, and was extended to the 20th November on 12/11/2024. A new version of the ToR featuring the adjusted dates and timelines was uploaded on 12/11/2024.

Frontier Tech Hub

The Frontier Tech Hub works with UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) staff and global partners to understand the potential for innovative tech in the development context, and then test and scale their ideas.

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