Digital Innovations for Agriculture 

Authors: The FT Hub

How can digital innovations support agricultural enterprises and cooperatives? 

The FT Hub conducted a rapid desk review to identify digital innovations that can support agricultural small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and cooperatives, along with the evidence of effectiveness each of these innovations. This rapid research identifies areas of opportunity for digital innovations, based on the needs and challenges identified by FCDO and one of their commercial agriculture programmes.

Image credit: DALL’E - generated on 17.11.’24

Note: the contents of this report is based on FT Hub research and analysis and do not necessarily reflect the views or policy positions of FCDO.

Topics covered in the report

The author outlines types of digital innovations by function, types and features of solutions, evidence of effectiveness, and active investments. They then analyse how specific innovations and technology can address key challenges that SMEs are facing and outlines three possible entry points for how the tech and innovation could be put into action. Finally, this report outlines the guiding principles for pilot implementation, including considerations for whether a digital innovation is the right fit for specific agriculture sector actors and value chain issues.

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Frontier Tech Hub
The Frontier Technologies Hub works with UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) staff and global partners to understand the potential for innovative tech in the development context, and then test and scale their ideas.

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