
Project Sapling: the role of technology in reducing funder hesitancy in reforestation initiatives

This pilot set out to understand whether detailed verification of reforestation activity could reduce funder hesitancy and encourage investment in reforestation initiatives.

To test this, the team sought to develop a stack of technology that would combine ground truthing (through the act of attaching and registering a geotag to each individual sapling through the use of a mobile app) and remote sensing (through regular drone photography and GIS mapping) data onto an accessible open source data platform that would enable a viewer to understand how their investment has been utilised.

Central to this methodology was the importance of designing a community-integrated model that encouraged local community members to become custodians of the planting process and planting site.

This pilot is carried out in partnership with UAVaid, Crown Agents in Sierra Leone and Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary

To learn more, visit the pilot page: https://www.frontiertechhub.org/pilot...


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